Week ending October 10
Everyone covering their eyes.
The season has changed.
I dreamed I was a seagull and I was teasing the ocean. Dipping down, tapping the water, flying back up. Etc.
Feeling split between cities.
Her advice is it's like nailpolish.
Pretending what I want to be told, I'm being told.
Behind the music or in front of the music around the music inside the music. Following the music.
Why are angels always in doorways?
Saw a pigeon swoop down in BART on the escalator like he's going to take a train too.
Anything could happen at any time but never does.
Every moment of silence I close my eyes.
The wrong situation I have bravery and the right one I don't.
Every chakra wracked in pain.
then she asked anything else blink anything else blink