Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week ending February 21

Week 17

It is that I have karma to work off; it is trying to prevent something from happening that I don't know about.

I pushed too hard, and things just want to break.

The internet kills what it wants to breed.

Nothing happens when you are ready for it.

Most people are not satanists.

The gestures that communicate.

I'm glad I've found out the truth.

She loves Go Tell It on the Mountain.

You have to be conscious of what the situation really is.

I thought I just didn't know how to do it.

Oppen: "To stand alone is not my problem. That is easily done. Too easily."

I think there are sequences and steps to things I know absolutely nothing about.

Now with Pluto downgraded we are in the age of 8 planets.

He says he lost the ability to form words.

"Bruno was obsessed with the number thirty."

But seemingly concordant, coming to the chapter The Parable of the Phantom City just as I found Guillermo Parra's Phantasmal Repeats.

Anger at strangers is merely pre-hurt.