Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week ending November 22

Week 4

Maybe an accidental loneliness.

It is easy but it is not easy.

Why do I remember remembering my dreams in the moment but then later - now - I don't at all, but I have a memory of remembering?

A great hangover.

Rene Char and hope is the opposite of destiny?

I want to turn my emotions into buildings.

So I know the solution *is* multiplicity.

No one really needs sleep and if they do, they get it.

I came home and just sat in bed grinning.

Walking and reading
Operation Failed
Completely Pepperminted

"We're not nonprofit, we're not for profit."

What's real is what happens.

Everything on my right hurts.

There is a fly in the house - it was flying around while I was watching Diary of a Chambermaid. Now it is very still near the ceiling above Diane di Prima's Seminary Poems.

Bliss is contingent on nonbliss.

Listening to Lumin's Datura, perfect music for writing to in the morning.

There were forms to be filled out and someone's name repeated.

"Catching the stairs"
yellow umbrella
loaf of bread
brick layers
"Not in the mood to move."

I wonder if Matt Gonzalez gets stoned? Nader?

I will have only lofty thoughts in Texas.

Is what's draining about the internet the fact that it is endless? Books have boundaries.

He'd be cuter if he were more postmodern.

The theme was madlibs.

A list of poets who I would die for, poetically.

I can't be too much in the past because there is no place for me there.

811B612 is not there.

Overheard: "Why don't you stop reading everybody else's shit and read your own?"


"Should I color the Philippines purple or green?"