Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week ending November 7

Week 2

I said I was happy because I had the rest of the day off and I was getting a new car! I was the husband. The shrink might have been the car dealer/salesman.

He was trying to be cool — I was trying to be the cool that he thinks is cool.

I definitely want to talk about pears.

I think I inspire physical discomfort.

One thing that doesn't piss me off are liars.

Java is disabled on computers at work.

Like I am paying attention to myself.

Someone knifed in the word Morpheus on this table. Or maybe it is pencil.

Trying to drink water constantly.

I am in the building that has no purpose.

A list of poetry teachers and yoga teachers and what I learned from each.

A poem called "November 4, 2008" made up entirely of things heard on NPR.

A list of all the halloween costumes I saw this year.

Maybe all learning has an erotic component to it.

Thought about fashion in the "aughts" being completely nondescript.

Eating two lunches on Thursday, afraid to hurt anyone's feelings.

The memory is something I can see and simultaneously not see.

"I seem to be having a cliche with getting my account set up."

The problem with hope is that it makes you think about what you don't have and wish you had, and that is really depressing. Before, when you had no hope, were pre-hope, you just dealt with things as they were, as they came.

People are intermittent.

And so struck and flabbergasted by all the MEDIA! Everywhere!

Wrote Prose Poem #76.

If you weren't miserable you wouldn't need to have hope.

I am eating pistachios in bed and there are shells everywhere.

A map of a trip I never took.

Fantasy of a cafe to cafe reading-a-thon.