Sunday, January 4, 2009

Week ending January 3

Week 10

Need to play classical music all morning.

I cried and cried.

Choosing while also wanting it a third way. But the third way seems impossible.

Remembered my dream upon waking but not interesting enough to remember it now.

I never know things to say.

My 10th grade english project about All Quiet on the Western Front and a mixtape that included Yaz's Winter Kills.

Sundays are for doing errands, and for the working class, only for that. But I do have a little more time for writing.

I felt like it was a joke and had to change realities.

It takes me so long to figure out that it's not working.

A sentence about aesthetics I have to write.

Or is everything incidental?

The outline of a trilogy book plan.

I'm simply excited about my new calendars.

My only New Year's resolution is to move out of the Tenderloin. Somehow.

Feudal relationships that exist because of a debt.

We have to be so tough.

& I don't know what will make me unlock the memory.

A long table & friendship type conversations.

But where do I place the 8 magical interstitial poems?

I didn't know people really did that.

Not scratching an itch and so squirming.

Maybe meditation makes people angry.

A list of people to email.

A list of things to clean.

That you don't have to buy new things to feel happy.

Even though the place I'm having a memory of -- I know doesn't exist anymore -- it does exist, so viscerally, in my mind, that is doesn't matter that it doesn't exist anymore.

Woke up with an angry line about moonlight.

A list of yoga guy's fashion styles that have influenced my yoga fashion style.

I think it *is* bad karma to be born a woman. And what is this for?

Turning suffering into a conscious suffering is a type of luck.

A list of non-poetry related jobs poets I can think of have.

Opening a door not in the tree but in the space next to the tree.